Our Solutions
Global manufacturer of products for reducing, recycling and rejuvenating of waste

Recycling Machines
Recycling Machines are a part of sustainability and ecofriendly projects that either make materials re-usable, reduce their volume, or turn them into soil amendment products. Categorically they fall into 8 sections, Food, Paper, Plastic, Metal, Rubber, Fabric and Agriculture Waste, Animal Wastes.
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Waste to Energy
Waste to Energy -WtE - is a vital part of a strong and sustainable waste management and disposal chain. Suitable to deliver modern, highly reliable steam turbines to recycle the energy from incinerated municipal and industrial waste into electricity, heat or fuel. WtE is fully complementary to recycling, it is an economical and ecologically sound way to provide a source for energy while diverting waste from landfills.
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Water Rejuvenation
Hydrology is Water returned to the terrestrial water supply as a result of compaction and metamorphism. Most water bodies in and around cities and towns endure high nutrient loads and thus struggle to maintain sufficient DO levels, especially in the night. Fish kills, Bad Odour, Algae or Hyacinth infested water complaints is routine and govt or Authorities often fail struggle to maintain them.
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